31 May 2019

In this webinar, Peter Stansbury, one of the lead authors of the new AgileDS™ training course and guidance talks to the Consortium’s Jenny Bailey about what led to this new framework, the path that has been taken, collaboration with APMG International and what the future may bring.

Building on the success of the Government Digital Services initiative, AgileDS is aimed at all those involved in the delivery of digital services, including central government, local government, the NHS, and private sector organisations. Peter talks about the background and the journey, highlighting the emphasis on user experience and collaboration throughout the process. The goal was to deliver as soon as possible, so that users could experience the product and contribute their feedback. Peter stresses the value of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and advises that, “you’re not slightly embarrassed by your MVP, then you’ve probably done too much!”

Jenny and Peter discuss some of the tools and techniques that were used in creating AgileDS, and more broadly touch upon the importance of governance in Agile projects and the need for Agile leaders to both ‘trust and verify’.